
Samstag, 8. März 2008

Count? - down

MS Word is totally funny today. When I open the document it estimates how many pages the document has. As soon as I push the print-button, the document suddenly has more pages. And if I myself count the pages printed out there are even more. Weired, I think. Maybe a miracle. I should ask Jesus about that. ;-) Because I need a kind of miracle to pass my exam on Tuesday. Now I'll go on working on that miracle.

Help - I'm bored and sick of studying. :-S And I'm doing and writing stupid things when I'm bored (not only here but anywhere). Sorry for that. Anyone. Anywhere.

Dienstag, 26. Februar 2008

Am 3. Tag schuf Gott die Wanze und den Affen

Dieser und dieser Artikel stehen jetzt schon mindestens den dritten Tag auf dieser Startseite. Liebe FAZ, da ist ja sogar der Service-Teil im Video-Text abwechslungsreicher. Und was bitte sind das für Monster-Adressen?

Sonntag, 16. Dezember 2007

Shaun the Sheep

Shaun the Sheep - MyVideo

I love this sheep so much - and yes, I watched Die Sendung mit der Maus again. *blush*

Montag, 10. Dezember 2007



Three weeks left until new year's eve in Paris, two weeks until christmas at home. I'll try to let no grass grow under my feet. I have to prepare my presentation for Thursday, write another thesis, and start to prepare for my exams in February and March. 2008 will be my final year at university. Definitely.

And finally just a few hours left until the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony which I will not attend.

Donnerstag, 6. Dezember 2007

Es gibt noch Hoffnung...

Der Warmupper von Schmidt sammelt gerade Pluspunkte bei mir, weil er Barth parodiert.

Sonntag, 2. Dezember 2007

Erkenntnis des Tages

Wenn ich mich bis dahin nicht besser organisiert habe, wird meine Magisterarbeit meine Gesundheit ruinieren. Vermutlich irreparabel. Aber ab Dienstagnachmittag geht es erstmal wieder bergauf. So lange: weitermachen!

Montag, 8. Oktober 2007

The end!?

I finished my Erasmus studies today. - So what?! You came back in January, didn't you? - Yes, I did. But I filled in the reporting form today. That was the final step.
But isn't being an Erasmus student like being a boy scout? I will always be an Erasmus student as I will never forget to be a boy scout (or girl guide).

Samstag, 29. September 2007

He's happier, she's less so

David Leonhardt (NY Times) on the latest happiness research from US-economists Alan Krueger, Betsey Stevenson, and Justin Wolfers. I guess the "problem" is also true for Germany and Europe but the question is how to solve it. Back to the roots - back to kids and kitchen? For myself, unthinkable. At least as the one and only solution. Another question: Are men afraid of tougher women?

Link found on Greg Mankiw's weblog. Very recognizable for people interested in economics. ;-) I simply like him.


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Achtung, Kreuzzüge
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